
This describes changes to TLS.

The versioning scheme is: major.minor.revision

major:Will be increased when the API (the interface) changes in an incompatible way. Will be documented in this changelog.
minor:Will be increased when adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. Will be documented in this changelog.
revision:Will be increased for backwards-compatible bug fixes and very minor added functionality. Will not always be documented in this changelog.

Version 1.0.23 (12 March 2019)

Fixed:A bug in the post-detection statistics which caused a delay in large dataset (e.g., Kepler K1)

Version 1.0.21 (14 February 2019)

Fixed:A bug in cleaned_array which caused an error in case invalid dy values were supplied. Relevant for TESS FITS files. These should now run including uncertainties.
Added:New statistics: before_transit_count, in_transit_count, after_transit_count yield the number of data points in a bin of length transit duration before, in and after the phase-folded transit.
Added:New parameter show_progress_bar (bool, default: True) When set to False, no progress bar (using tqdm) will be shown
Added:Python 2 compatibility. For now, it is only single-core.

Version 1.0.20 (11 February 2019)

Fixed:A bug which erroneously interchanged power and power_raw

Version 1.0.19 (10 February 2019)

Fixed:A bug in the calculation of statistics which caused TLS to stall in some cases

Version 1.0.17 (07 February 2019)

Fixed:A bug in the calculation of the SNR statistic (post-fit statistics)
Changed:Major code refactoring
Added:Extensive test suite
Added:Warnings for the user, e.g. in case inputs are dubious. Numpy warnings are now a bug (if any left) and no longer hidden.
Added:Improved command line interface (now has its own command). Added all recent new functionality to the command line interface (all except custom transit shapes)

Version 1.0.16 (29 January 2019)

Fixed:A bug which caused to return an empty SDE-ogram if very small uncertainties dy were provided.
Changed:Switched linear interpolation code of model shapes to a numba implementation. It is 2x faster, 20ms –> 10ms which is currently irrelevant if the shape is calculated only once per light curve, but will become relevant when the compensation for morphological light-curve distortions will be implemented. Then, the shapes will be re-calculated many times for a range of periods. Another advantage is that the dependency on scipy can now be removed. Scipy is still required for testing, however.

Version 1.0.15 (27 January 2019)

Changed:If no transits fits were performed during a search, a flat SDE-ogram and SDE=0 are returned, and a warning is raised. Previous behavior was to raise an exception and quit. This can happen if transit_depth_min is set to a large value (e.g., 1000 ppm) and the light curve is flat (e.g., Kepler-quality with good detrending and no transits), so that the threshold causes no transit fits to be performed.
Changed:Only useful warnings are printed to the user console. Internal processing issues (e.g., NaN values) are now hidden.
Changed:Catalog information (e.g., from the Kepler K2 EPIC catalog) which includes missing values now returns NaN values. Previously, -- was returned. The NaN values must still be evaluated by the user before feeding them into a TLS model.
Changed:Catalog information is now entirely pulled using AstroQuery, from Vizier (Kepler K1, K2) and MAST. Dependency to package kplr has been dropped. This increases reliability as the MAST API was unstable in the past.
Fixed:A bug in the command-line version was fixed which caused the search to quit under certain circumstances.

Version 1.0.14. (24 January 2019)

Added:Automatically run cleaned_array before performing a search
Added:New return value: results.transit_depths_uncertainties
Added:New parameter: use_threads
Changed:period_grid limited to physically plausible values to avoid generating empty or extremely large grids
Removed:numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=numpy.nan) which fails in numpy 1.16+ (the latest version as of 24 Jan 2019)

Version 1.0 (01 January 2018)

Initial release.